California Vaccine Injury Lawyer

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Just like any medical procedure – there are risks involved when being vaccinated. Vaccine injures can be serious and life threatening. The federal government understands these risks, and to encourage the continued use of vaccines has established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This program makes it easier for people to receive compensation for vaccine connected injuries.

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was started to provide compensation to the victims of vaccine injuries and their families. Over $2 billion has been paid to those who have made claims following their injuries, but many people have not filed due to the lack of public awareness of the program. The federal government has set up a “no fault’ system. To receive compensation, the injured party or person must only show they were vaccinated by one of the covered vaccines and that the vaccine caused the injury.

Qualifications for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

If you or a loved one has been injured following a vaccination, you may be entitled to compensation if you meet any of the below criteria.

  • A loved one died suddenly following the administration of a vaccine
  • The vaccine is included in the list of Vaccine Injury Compensation Program covered vaccines – please see a list
  • Your claim is filed within two years of a loved one’s passing, three years of an injury or four years if your loved one suffered an injury which ultimately resulted in that persons death
  • Your injury followed a vaccination and lasted for six months or resulted in the need for emergency medical care and / or surgery

Covered Vaccines

  • Haemophilus (influenzae type b)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Measles
  • Meningococcal
  • Mumps
  • Pertussis
  • Pneumococcal conjugate
  • Polio
  • Rotavirus
  • Rubella
  • Tetanus
  • Trivalent influenza
  • Varicella

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services updates this list as new vaccines become available and are recommended for routine administration.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney Following a Vaccination Injury

  • The government does not require you to have legal counsel in order to make a claim against the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program but there are several reasons why having am attorney represent you is in your best interest.
  • An experienced vaccine lawyer is able to perform a thorough investigation that will help you recover information about your case that may swing it in your favor and increase its value. Your lawyer can ensure that you are able to receive the maximum amount of compensation possible by gathering and present all of the facts and information.
  • Lack of representation would preclude you from receiving court costs and you may owe money if you lose your case. If you are represented, the government will cover all court costs for you regardless of whether you win your case and receive a claim.
  • The government has made it more difficult recently for people filing claims to receive compensation. Having a lawyer represent your interests and defending your rights can be a great help should the government attempt to delay or deny your claim.
  • Your attorney is free unless you receive compensation. The government covers your court costs when making a claim and pays for the cost of your representation. Since the government is offering to pay for your attorney, you may as well have one.

The majority of those who are harmed by vaccinations are completely unaware of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. If cases were publicized, it would encourage more people to refuse vaccinations out of fear of adverse effects and medical complications.

If you or a loved one received a vaccination that caused an adverse reaction, injury or death, contact the Kleczek Law Office for help. Our vaccine injury lawyers will arrange for a free consultation to gather the information needed to investigate your case. We will answer your questions about your rights, the legal process and exactly what you should expect throughout the process. CALL TODAY FOR HELP!

Kleczek Law Office